Our Catholic Identity

The religious formation of our students and the imparting of our Catholic religious traditions are at the core of everything we do at St. Christopher School. It is what makes our school a Catholic one and is the reason for our existence.
Our school's Catholic identity permeates all aspects of our school. At. St. Christopher School, our faculty and staff strive to display Christian values of love, concern and respect in their actions, modeling the love that Christ has for us. By our attempts to foster in our school a Catholic environment rooted in the Gospel values, we strive in a small way to attempt to help bring about the Kingdom of God on earth.
The religious life of our school centers around daily prayer at the beginning and end of each school day and on weekly all-school Mass every Thursday morning, celebrated by our Pastor. Each classroom has a small altar or shrine to serve as the focal point of our daily prayer.
Additionally, there are special Sunday family Masses through the school year for each of our school classes, where each class plans the Mass and then attends it with their families.>
Our religious curriculum was recently revamped is based on the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Education standards. Our religious curriculum is taught in a cross-curriculum manner and is incorporated in all other subjects as appropriate.
School discipline is based on standards of Christian conduct and morals and is implemented to reinforce the religious formation of our students.
In addition to our school-based religious life and formation, we encourage our students to participate in the larger Catholic communities of St. Christopher Parish, the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Universal Church.