Preschool class home page

Welcome to Mrs. Roth and Ms. Powers' Preschool Page!
Expectations and Education for Preschoolers
We are so glad you’re here! In our classroom, it is imperative that children understand we have rules and regulations to follow. When we follow the rules, we all enjoy our day in a safe and fun way! Please go over these rules with your child at home and feel free to ask any questions.
Four main classroom rules:
- Walking Feet
- Inside Voices
- Nice touches
- Kind words
Kindness is huge within our classroom. We all belong and are all welcome! Learning becomes fun and exciting when everyone feels included.
Other rules to discuss:
- Cleaning up our messes
- Take turns
- Raise your hand if you have something to say
- Use your listening ears
We will explore many different topics this year such as trees, transportation, and families, just to name a few. Each day we incorporate circle time which helps us review our colors, numbers, shapes, and even our writing skills. We will be able to explore different stations such as blocks, trains and puzzles while also working on our creativity during art time. We will learn about our religion and how to follow in Jesus’ footsteps by using our words, thoughts, and actions. Our school year will be packed with fun, learning, and excitement.
Children have snack time every afternoon. Please pack a healthy and nutritious snack. This may include fruit such as apples or bananas, granola bars, pretzels/goldfish, etc.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year. We will work together to make it a wonderful beginning to their educational experience.
Mrs. Roth and Ms. Powers
Class Documents
No class documents uploaded.Last modified: 08-30-2024