3rd grade - Class 2 home page

Welcome to Third Grade!
Meet the Teacher
Hello and welcome! My name is Ms. Quesada (Ms. Q) and I am so excited to be teaching third grade this year! This will be my second year teaching at St. Chris and I am so excited to learn and grow with my students and their families to inspire our young leaders to become creative thinkers and independent learners.
Classroom Rules and Expectations
1. Be prepared. Be on time for your school day. Make sure your work is completed as best as can be. Have your materials ready at the start of each day. Write down your assignments and bring home the materials you need for homework.
2. Be respectful. Treat your school, your teachers, your peers, and your belongings with respect and kindness. Kindness is a huge theme in our classroom- treat others the way YOU want to be treated.
3. Be safe. Keep your hands and belongings to yourself. Make sure you follow the classroom rules; they are there to keep us safe.
4. Do your best. Put your best effort forward. Some things may be difficult, but showing you tried means a whole lot. Always TRY.
Specials Schedule
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Art & Library/Gym (alternating weeks)
Wednesday: Mass Day & Art/Computer (alternating weeks)
Thursday: Gym
Friday: Computers
*School uniforms must be worn on Wednesday for Mass (No jeans day passes will be honored on Wednesday).*
**Please remember that your child must wear their St. Chris gym uniform and gym shoes for P.E.**
Our lunch is at 11:40a each day which will follow with recess at 12:10p. Students go outside for recess, weather permitting, so please make sure they dress accordingly. We will be allowed to use the gym in the case we have indoor recess. Gym shoes must be worn on the gymnasium floor at all times. On that note, please allow students to bring an old pair of gym shoes to leave at school in their cubby or keep a pair in their backpacks.
Additional Information
- Remember to check your child's progress regularly through Power School. Class Dojo will be used for daily communications.
- Students will take home their green folder with homework and important information each day. Please make sure to check their folders and return any papers that require a signature.
- Every Friday, your child will take home their blue Friday folder with all your child's graded work. Please return the folder by the next school day with a signature indicating you received it.
- We will be using assignment notebooks/student planners everyday. They are used for both homework and daily communication/reminders. Please go over all homework assignments with your child and initial the assignment book each day and return it to school. Weekly spelling words will also be written in the assignment notebook.
- Students will have Reading/Language Arts and Math homework each day. Homework is always due the next day unless instructed otherwise.
- This year, we have students with severe food allergies and dietary restrictions. As a result birthday treats must be store bought, peanut free and individually wrapped. Please plan ahead when buying food so that all of the students in our class are able to participate in the celebration.
Grading Scale (as seen on Power School)
A = 100% - 93%
B = 92% - 85%
C = 84% - 73%
D = 72% - 65%
F = 64% - below
I look forward to this exciting new school year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns via email at jquesada@stchrisschool.org
Class Documents
No class documents uploaded.Last modified: 09-09-2024