School Advisory Board


The St. Christopher School Advisory Board works to support, strengthen and improve our school in its mission providing students an excellent academic education enveloped in the values of Jesus Christ.


Our school board consists of the following members:

Joe Alfano
Chris Cantlin
Nikki Chapman
Michelle Friedl
Marvelene Jones
Alberto Manrique
Tony Manrique
Bill Spies, president
Elsa Velazquez
Laura Westberg


Our school advisory board meets on the last Tuesday of each month. We meeting primarily on Zoom, but have occasional in-person meetings..

School Fundraising Policy

School fundraising is very important to the long-term financial viabilty of our school. If any individual or group would like to conduct a fundraising event for our school, the school board stands ready to provide assistance and help with these fundraising efforts.

Any individual or group wishing to conduct a fundraising event MUST complete a Fundraising Approval Form and give the completed form to the head of the school fundraising committee. This form MUST be approved by both the school principal and the school board before the fundraising event can proceed.

Once the event has been approved, the school board will be happy to help in making the event a success by promoting the event, working to find volunteers to help with the event, and helping out in any way possible.

For further information, please contact a school board representative or see the School Fundraising Policy below.