Below are listed our tuition and fees for the 2024-25 school year. Additionally, please note that we offer tuition assistance scholarships based on financial need. At St. Christopher, we are committed to insure that our school is affordable for ALL families. We do not have separate parishioner and non-parishioner tuition schedules, but are happy to offer all of our families the same tuition rates.
The family registration fee is $125 (non-refundable). There will be no increase in the fundraising obligation for next year, it will remain at $275 per family. There are a number fundraisers and events that families can use to fulfill this requirement. Further information can be found on the fundraising information page.
If you have any questions about our financial aid program or any other issues, please contact the school office at 708-385-8776 or schooloffice@stchrisschool.org.