State of Illinois Scholarship Information

Below is some information about the State of Illinois scholarship program. While we strive to keep the information on this page up to date, we strongly recommend that you to visit the following sites for the most current information

Also, please feel free to contact our school at 708-385-8776 or at if you have questions.

How do I apply for a State of Illinois Scholarship?

There are two organizations granting these scholarships, and we strongly recommends you complete TWO scholarship applications, one for each organization: Empower Illinois and The Big Shoulders Fund.

When is the first day that I submit an application?

Below are the start dates for the two scholarship granting organizations. It is critically important that you apply for your scholarship as close as possible (within minutes) of the start of the application process!

Empower Illinois:
Web site:
Application start date: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 6:30pm Details of Empower Illinois application process

The Big Shoulders Fund:
Web site:
Application start date: Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 8:00am

What is the Empower Illinois' application process?

Empower Illinois has a two-part application process:

  • Step 1: Complete a brief reservation form, which timestamps your application
    • Enter your information (page 1 of application)
      • Parent name and student(s) names
      • Contact info – address, phone number, email address
    • Submit your information (page 2 of application)
  • Step 2: Some time later, you will be notified by email when part two of the application opens.
    • You can complete at your convenience.
    • You will need two types of documents to complete Step 2:
      1. Proof of Address – ONE of following with current address:
        Illinois driver’s license, ID card, utility bill, WIC/SNAP statement, W-2, or Federal Tax Form (1040)
      2. Proof of your household income – ONE of following:
        Most recent Federal Tax Return (pages 1 & 2), W-2, 1099s, Year-end pay stub, or letter, from employer indicating cash wages paid
Note that it is critical that you complete Step 1 as close to the start date as possible! This step assigns you your place in line, and scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The earlier you complete it, the better your chances - seconds matter! If you don’t complete it within 5 minutes after it opens, chances of getting a scholarship are greatly decreased.

What is Big Shoulders' application process?

Big Shoulders has a one-step application process. Note that it is critical that you complete this step as close to the start date as possible!

You will need two types of documents to complete the Big Shoulders application process

  1. Proof of Address – ONE of following with current address:
    Illinois driver’s license, State ID card, utility bill, or renter's agreement
  2. Proof of your household income – ONE of following:
    Federal Tax 1040 forms for all members of the household, OR verified statement from website signed by parent/guardian that not tax returns were filed

I have a specific question about the Empowered Illinois or Big Shoulders application process. How can I get it answered?

Also, please feel free to contact our school at 708-385-8776 or at if you have questions. We encourage all prospective families to visit us so that we can explain the details of this process individually to you.

If I do not get a State of Illinois Scholarship, what other financial aid is available

For families who do not get a State of Illinois Scholarship, we also have Caritas scholarships, from the Archdiocese of Chicago, and St. Christopher Parish scholarships. These scholarships do not cover as much of the tuition and fees as does a State of Illinois scholarship. Further information can be found on our financial aid page.